Bookmark this industry calendar in your phone. By Natasha Hong.
Seven days, too many great bar personalities to meet and cool events to handle. As we hurtle into the week that is the Singapore Cocktail Festival, DRiNK Magazine’s happy to share with you our industry-only Google Calendar for all your planning needs. Curated with all the official and unofficial events happening from March 12 to 21, this is your resource for you to strategise and divvy up your time to catch all the best experiences the week has to offer.
Highlights during the week include the Singapore finals for Diplomatico World Tournament, a return of 28 Hongkong Street’s Fastest Hands in the East competition and Liam Baer’s all-American Red White & Booze party in aid of charity. Over at the Festival village, DRiNK’s own Dan Bignold will be moderating a Branding for Bartenders class, while Luke Whearty will be joined by P(our)’s Alex Kratena for a masterclass on finding inspiration for cocktails. At the Proof Flat, the venue’s intimate Salon Sessions kicks into gear with rum master Ian Burrell and Scrappy’s Bitters’ Kia Karimi taking the floor for a chat about their specialisations.
This year, we’re heartened also that the industry has also made a collective push to celebrate Asian talents, with plenty of our neighbours from around the region coming to town to stage takeovers in your bars. There’s no time like this week to make your connections, and plan your next guest shifts for the next time you visit Bangkok, Hong Kong, Jakarta or even Taiwan.
Have an industry-targeted event you want added to the calendar? Email us at and we’ll add it in.
Tell all your friends! Here’s the link to the calendar.